The Back Store wants your funny photos for our ‘Caught Napping’ Contest!
Upload pictures of someone napping and you might win a set of luxurious natural bamboo linen sheets and a set of Tempur-Breeze pillows!
Take a photo of a family member, friend, co-worker, or pet when you notice they have nodded off. It might be grandpa in his favorite chair or the baby in her high chair. The funnier the better!
How do I enter?
1. Just enter our contest here by 8/22/16 and add your photo to the gallery.
2. Starting 8/22/16, tell everyone you know to log in and vote for your photo. Ask relatives, neighbors, co-workers, and even Facebook and Twitter friends. Anyone can vote! If your photo gets the most votes, you will be catching a few zzzzz’s yourself on some wonderfully comfortable new bed linens.
3. The voting ends on 9/6/16.
The Back Store wants you to treat your back to a comfortable and luxurious night’s sleep. Picking a mattress can be a little overwhelming with all the choices available today. You can learn some of the basics by clicking the ‘Mattress School’ tab on our home page menu. It will answer many of your questions before you even start to shop but there is nothing like personal service by an expert. So stop by any of our five locations where you will meet our helpful, experienced staff who would be glad to answer your questions about any of our products or just show you around.
We are excited to offer this ‘Caught Napping Contest‘ as a way of saying thank-you to our St. Louis neighbors for their support over the years. So, get out your camera or look through your photos and don’t miss out on this fun contest! Oh, and good luck!